Artist Statement

The Innate feeling of comfort is what draws us in, but the uncanny replication of home is what keeps us out.

My paintings are a visual representation of home paired with installations that are used to create an uncanny sense of home especially with the addition of audio, found objects, and writing that directly reference the home. My work derives from this longing and yearning of the home, and the memories associated with it.

The installations are created with the idea of limitation and protection. Limiting what the viewer is allowed to see and experience as a way of protection, home is a space that physically shelters us, and I want to protect it in return by limiting access to the viewer.

The creation of a liminal space allows us to feel the temporal aspect of home, home is a space that is bound by time. It changes and evolves even if we don't, my work is attempting to revitalize that home we once knew by recreating memories that provided me comfort, but now only remind me of what was lost.

My paintings aim to engage with the memories associated with home. Either through the sounds of our mothers, or the physical representation of a door. The viewer is meant to feel the absence and presence of family. This absence is meant to engage the feeling of not being fully welcomed into my home, an emotion I find myself feeling.

Home is universal, whether bad or good. My body of work is connected to those feelings that we have surrounding our homes. Attempting to be a form of which people can process their own feelings about this complicated word “Home” and maybe find some relief knowing we all feel homesick at times.

Pain and joy are bound together.